Levi Felix and Forest met in elementary school in the 1990s, and eventually connected with Brooke in high school. Levi and Forest played in bands together, and everyone eventually went on to college.
In 2007, Levi moved to Los Angeles, and while settling into a duplex, he serendipitously bumped into Brooke who was renting the other unit. They became fast friends and by 2009 had fallen in love.
In early 2009, while working as a Creative Director at a startup, Levi had a wake-up call after passing out and being hospitalized as a result of working too much. Shortly after that, Levi and Brooke quit their jobs to embark on a 2.5-year worldwide journey determined to find balance with life and technology. It was while living off the land in Cambodia that they started the initial thoughts of what would become Digital Detox.
Levi and Brooke returned to the US in 2011 and reunited with Levi’s younger brother, Zev. Together they formed Digital Detox that year with a mission to inspire people to develop better relationships with technology.
Digital Detox launched its first retreat with 10 people in 2012. Levi invited Forest to attend the inaugural retreat, and he was blown away, taking home new learnings and gifting future retreats to friends and family.
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